The Wizards Engine : Rendering

This page describes how to use the rendering capabilities of the engine.


The engine can render 3D objects in the world. This is done by using the Physical class.

// Create new physical. This will immediately place it in the world at the set position
var p = new Physical();
p.Mesh = myMesh;
p.WorldMatrix = Matrix.Translation(new Vector3(10,2,4));
var bb = p.GetBoundingBox(); // gets the bounding box
// To remove the Physical from existence


Meshes are used by the engine to represent the data of a 3D model. These meshes can be loaded from file, or created dynamically:

// IMesh is the interface respresenting a mesh
IMesh mesh;
// This loads the model located in the gamedata folder. (/bin/GameData/SkyMerchant/MyModel.obj)
// Do NOT add an extension after this path!!! (detected automatically)
mesh = TW.Assets.LoadMesh("SkyMerchant/MyModel");
// Creates a box 1x1x1 with "Hello" on it
mesh = UtilityMeshes.CreateMeshWithText(1,"Hello",TW.Graphics);
// Creates a box 1x1x1 with "Hello" on it
// Also relative to (/bin/GameData). NOTE ADD THE EXTENSION FOR TEXTURES!!
mesh = UtilityMeshes.CreateMeshWithTexture(1,TW.Assets.LoadTexture("SkyMerchant/Gold.jpg"));


You can manipulate the camera in the engine using the CameraInfo Singleton. You often need the center screen ray:

// Get access to the camera settings
var info = TW.Data.Get<CameraInfo>();
// Gets a ray starting from the camera eye into the look direction, located at the center of the screen.
var ray = info.GetCenterScreenRay();

If you wan't to use a custom camera, you can use the following code:

// Create the view matrices
var view = Matrix.LookAtRH(eye, target, Vector3.UnitY);
var projection = Matrix.PerspectiveRH(800, 600, 0.1f, 1000);
// Create a camera to use as a custom camera.
var customCam = new CustomCamera();
customCam.SetViewProjectionMatrix(view, projection);
// Get access to the camera settings
var info = TW.Data.Get<CameraInfo>();
info.ActivateCustomCamera(customCam); // Activate your camera
info.ActivateSpecatorCamera(); // Activate the default specator camera

Line rendering

You can render lines using the LineManager. You can render a variety of line based primitives!

Note that you have to call this every frame in your gameloop, because lines are only rendered for the current frame!

TW.Graphics.LineManager3D.AddLine(start,end,color); // More using the intellisense!


2D rendering