The Wizards Engine : Engine Architecture

The code is divided in several layers. These are the layers that currently are meant to exist in the code. Note that there might be errors due to incomplete or not yet cleaned code.

Note that this structure is still very much under design and might change at any moment.

  • Low level features: DX11Game, DeferredRenderer
  • The Wizards Engine: provides the NewModules.exe executable
  • Hotloaded engine: provides advanced engine features, currently scattered in the gameplay project
  • Additional engine features of SkyMerchant: located in SkyMerchant/_Engine. These are meant to be integrated into the layer above, when they have become solid features
  • Skymerchant core features: Scattered in the SkyMerchant project
  • Skymerchant gameplay interfaces: SkyMerchant/_GameplayInterfacing contains all the interfaces you can use to extend the behaviour of the SkyMerchant project, for use in building the actual game content.
  • Actual Skymerchant gameplay code.